Dealspotting: Savings by buying Lego from
Those of you who are fans of Lego, will know the reality is that in Asia, we usually end up paying more than our US or Europe counterparts to indulge our building hobby. So it goes without saying that we are always on the lookout for deals that will stretch our dollars further. For this very reason, I have taken it upon myself to create a consolidated list (in the form of Amazon astore or associates store ) to list all sets that can be shipped from to Singapore. I have done this the hard way by manually checking each and every link for Lego items that ship from to Singapore. I have made the process much easier for you so that it can speed up your shopping just that much faster. You'll be amazed that over 100 items ship for free under Amazon's global eligible scheme with a minimum order of US$125. But do remember to select FREE AmazonGlobal Eligible option at checkout. You can also check out some of the featured sets that can ship (not for free) ...