Best Value Amp on the go: CMOY Bass Boost (BB) Portable Headphone amplifier V2.03

CMOY ( abbreviation for "Chu Moy", so named after its creator) amplifiers have been around for more than a decade. In 1998, Chu Moy built a portable headphone amplifier and shared his design on the internet via the website and generated lots of buzz among DIY audio enthusiasts. The original article can still be found here . Fast forward to 2012, my interest was piqued when I recently came across a review for a modified version of the CMOY amp dubbed the CMOY Bass Boost. I read more reviews which were very positive so I decided to order 3 fully assembled set (I'm not much of a DIY guy when it comes to electronics) from its creator John Seaber from JDSLabs . 2 sets were for my fellow colleagues. The basic set will cost you US$59.99 minus shipping. Shipping to Singapore only costs US$6.30 (via USPS First Class Airmail). The shipping was pretty quick and the following package arrived in the mail: Each amplifier was neatly packaged in an anti-static wrapper...